Page 83 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 83

67Chapter 5: Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Budgets

              In Figure 5-3, you can see how all parts of the business program fit together in
              the plan for a housing developer.

 Figure 5-3:  Purpose: To create a vibrant urban core community featuring
  An urban    quality housing opportunities for a wide range of residents.
              Annual Goal:
developer’s   Increase gross revenues by 10%.
  program.    Objectives:
              Increase prospect generation by 20%.
              Achieve prospect-to-sale conversion rate of 5%, an 8% increase over current rate.
              Increase number of units sold by 8%.
              Increase revenue from ancillary services by 20%


              Place or Distribution Strategy
                  • Redesign, reintroduce and increase visits to the development sales office.
                  • Establish an exclusive designated real estate broker relationship.
                  • Revise commission schedule to enhance incentive for regional realtor referrals.

              Pricing Strategy
                  • Increase prices by 3-15%, depending on residential product, to adjust
                    for inflation and enhanced appeal.
                  • Establish a 90% developer financing option.

                  • Add buyer incentive by offering a lifetime health club membership for
                    second-quarter closings on new unit sales.

              Product Strategy
                  • Announce and break ground on a 24-hour health club with swimming,
                    tennis, exercise and social facilities.
                  • Announce and break ground on a new building featuring view units,
                   private courtyards, garages, and other high-value attributes.

                  • Plan and open a design division to guide new owners through the selection of unit
                    finishes and appliances, and to provide fee-based design consultation services.

              Promotion Strategy
                  • Host and promote special events including urban-garden tours, a variety of
                    classes and seminars, and Thursday night events featuring live music and cultural
                    tie-ins to draw the target audience to the sales office arena.
                  • Include sales center travel directions, invitations and special event announcements
                   in all advertisements and promotional material.

                  • Include call-to-action in all marketing communications and collect names into a data base.
                  • Institute a data base communication program that ensures meaningful and

                    progressive prospect contact every two weeks
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