Page 15 - Visual Marketing
P. 15

I would like to thank my parents, Austin and Carol, for their never-
ending encouragement and support. I dedicate this book to the ones
who have seen me at my best and worst and everything in between:
Rachael, Jae Min, and my one and only, Shelley.

                                                                       —David Langton, May 2011

How do you start giving thanks in a book with so many ideas like this? It’s
like trying to bottle up the atmosphere—an impossibly large task. Each
day in my travels on the Web and to events across the United States,
with countless interactions with talented people, I am inspired. I couldn’t
possibly name everyone I’ve learned from (I’d need half a book just for
acknowledgments!), but there are a few people I would like to single out.

   John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing has taught me a lot about
marketing and given me pointers on book authoring. Ivana Taylor of taught me how to break down marketing ideas into
achievable projects on a small-business budget: after talking with her
anything seems doable. Aaron Wall of runs an online
community where I met some of the entrepreneurs profiled in the book

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