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80. A Condo Development Has                  87. All for One and One for All:             95. Three-Dimensional Business Cards:
        Historical Charm: Incorporating              Repurposing Marketing Collateral              Expressing Your Creativity on Your
        Heritage into Marketing Visuals to           on a Very Low Budget 185                      Business Card 201
        Emphasize an Offering’s Key Selling
        Points 171                           88. Evoking Mood Through Design:             96. What’s a Symchych? Accentuating
                                                     Using Custom Invitations to Make              a Hard-to-Pronounce Name Can Be
81. HR with a Personal Touch: Using a                Your Business Entertainment Last              a Winner 203
        Descriptive Name and a Caricature            Beyond the Event 187
        for a Consulting Business Sets You                                                97. Technology Can Be Sexy: Poking
        Apart 173                            89. High-End Rewards: Offering                        Fun at Your Industry’s Stereotypes
                                                     Upscale Coupons Grows Loyalty,                Makes It Easier for Customers to
82. All That Jazz, Funk, Blues, Pop, and             Prevents Cancellations, and Sells             Relate 205
        Hip-Hop: Making Modifications                 Add-Ons 189
        in Your Imagery Can Appeal to a                                                   98. Making Saving Look Good:
        Younger Audience 175                 90. It’s a Family Affair: Making Your                 Delivering Vouchers and Coupons
                                                     Business Story Come to Life                   That People Want to Save 207
83. Communicate Issues Boldly: Using                 with a Beautifully Designed Print
        Bold Graphics to Drive Home the              Piece 191                            99. Good Design Flows from Product to
        Importance of Messages 177                                                                 Marketing: Creating Postcards That
                                             91. An Industrial Business Bucks the                  Are “Saveable” to Keep the Sales
84. Eat or Be Eaten: Appealing                       Trend: Expressing Quality Through             Pipeline Full 209
        to Local Tastes and Cultural                 Color and Design Becomes a
        Understanding in a Local Marketing           Competitive Advantage 193            Credits 211
        Campaign 179                                                                      Index 223
                                             92. Sharpen Your Sights: Using Clever
85. Clothing for the Cosmopolitan                    Advertising That Makes Viewers Stop                     C O N TE N TS ix
        Outdoorsy Type: Expressing the               and Think about Their Needs 195
        Importance of Form and Function
        for a Brand in Print 181             93. A Program for All Seasons: Creating
                                                     an Overarching Marketing Theme
86. Capturing the Legacy: Creating                   for the Entire Year 197
        a Commemorative Book with
        High-Quality Graphics Conveys an     94. The Express Lane for Sales: A
        Organization’s Values 183                    Visual Pitch Book Captures the
                                                     Sales Process and Trains an Ever-
                                                     Growing Sales Team 199
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