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15. Breaking Through the Gray Noise:         23. The Right Way to Start a Charity         30. Promoting Logos with a Guess-
        Using a Flash-Based Presentation to          Today: Using Facebook and Blogs              That-Logo Contest: Tying in a
        Generate Leads While Also Serving            to Build a Community Around a                Contest with E-Mail Marketing to
        as a Leave-Behind Piece 33                   Good Cause 49                                Increase Client Engagement 63

16. Delivering a Unique Marketing            24. Education Can Be Creative:               31. Marketing to Parents: Tailoring a
        Campaign: Combining Staged                   Formatting the Standard “10 Tips”            Website’s Look to Reinforce Your
        Marketing Events with Video and              Article to Convey Professionalism            Target Niche 65
        Social Media 35                              and Authority 51
                                                                                          32. Leading by Example: Using
17. Finding Your Identity: Standing Out      25. Dressing Down for Success:                       Stock Images in a Downloadable
        from the Crowd with a Website                Appealing to Consumers with                  Tips Sheet to Demonstrate That
        That Lets Your Personality Show              a Personal Video Demystifies a                Marketing Can Be Easy and
        Through 37                                   Confusing Subject and Builds                 Inexpensive 67
                                                     Trust 53
18. A Renaissance for Today: Creating                                                     33. Blogger Outreach in the Cloud:
        a Forward-Looking Logo That          26. A Legal Holiday: Using Electronic                Using a Visually Inspired Word
        Reflects the Past 39                          Greeting Cards to Position a Law             Cloud to Start a Conversation with a
                                                     Firm as Friendly 55                          Blogger 69
19. Good Service Is Earned: Making a
        Brand Statement and Creating Viral   27. A Picture Speaks a Thousand              34. An Illustrator Draws Up Timely
        Content Through Infographics 41              Words: Creating a Visual                     Reminders for Prospects: Using
                                                     Interpretation of What You Do in             Remarkable E-Mail Marketing to
20. Design to Put Your Best Foot                     an Industry Known for Facts and              Keep Your Pipeline Full 71
        Forward: Using Sharp, Detailed               Figures 57
        Close-Up Photography to                                                           35. Bringing the Topic of Skin Care to
        Demonstrate Business Capabilities    28. Walking the Talk: Making a                       a Head: Messaging to Teens with a
        on the Web 43                                Website That Reflects the Principles          Clean Peppy Web Design 73
                                                     Fundamental to Your Business 59
21. Spicing Up the Ornament Market:                                                       36. It’s Not All Business All the Time:
        Using Bright and Unique Online       29. Traversing from Print to Mobile:                 Adding a Personalized Blog
        Ads to Build a Brand 45                      Creating a Mobile App Version of             Header Brings Human Interest to a
                                                     Print for Customers with a Foot in           Business Website 75
22. A Reflection of Style: Incorporating              the Mobile World 61
        Your Business Style into Your
        Logo 47

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