Page 153 - Visual Marketing
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diverse shapes, and attractive
                                  images. It immediately speaks to
                                  what the brand represents (baby
                                  products) with its simplistic
                                  shapes and toylike appearance.

Why It Works                      The audience can interact with
                                  each block by pressing buttons
“Our brand is very diverse        that trigger giggling sounds or
and this tool was an interac-     swinging the miniature cradle,
tive, dynamic way to bring the    which functions with the same
brand to life for an audience     technology as the actual product.
that needed to get a good
baseline understanding of           Success Metrics                     Takeaway Tip
what our brand is about,”
says Lisa Connolly, director      • The Toolbox has been used in        Get away from traditional brochures if you
of brand management of               numerous vendor presentations      want to make a splash with your presenta-
Bright Starts.                       with great feedback.               tion. A three-dimensional display that you
                                                                        assemble during your sales presentation is
The Toolbox is immediately        • Bright Starts successfully took     unexpected and therefore more memorable.
engaging with its bright colors,     five diverse brands and pulled      And when the display represents your prod-
                                     them together to represent the     ucts, it better communicates the benefits of
                                     whole.                             your offering.

                                  • The Toolbox reinforced confidence
                                     in Bright Starts’s brands and the
                                     brand strategy to its customers.

                                  IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SIC A L W O R L D 132
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