Page 151 - Visual Marketing
P. 151

Why It Works                             dynamic,” due in part to the
                                           Quarternote Lofts identity and
   There are four residential lofts        presence in this revitalized
   (or living “quarters”) above            neighborhood.
   the Citadel Dance and Music          • The building is 100 percent
   School. Paula Bodnar Schmitt            occupied. All four loft residences
   and writer Keith Oppenheim of           were immediately rented, and
   the Bodnar Design Consultancy           the Citadel Dance and Music
   created the name and the sym-           School occupies the ground
   bols, which have become a bea-          floor.
   con within the burgeoning arts
   district. Kenneth Ankli, owner,      Takeaway Tip
   calls the banners, “a fitting
   exclamation point to the build-      A beautiful banner with images and no
   ing’s rehabilitation.” He says the   words can make a striking sign, and even
   visual identity of the building has  serve as an outdoor work of art. A picture
   taken them from the ranks of         can be better than 1,000 words on a ban-
   “near tear-down” to a historical,    ner, especially if you’re confident the market
   avant garde mixed-use facility       you are appealing to will recognize and find
   in a neighborhood that is now        meaning in the images used in the banner.
   experiencing a renaissance.
                                             IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD
  Success Metrics

• Building owner Ankli says, “The
   sidewalks are busy, parking is
   scarce and the atmosphere is

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