Page 147 - Visual Marketing
P. 147

ohTwentyone turned to pop           them to ACEP’s annual conven-
culture to find its ideas. After     tion. They gave away all 2,000
watching a video put out by the     in a few hours, proving the
staff of an ER that consisted of    reluctant directors wrong.
a tongue-in-cheek ER rap, the
designers came up with an inge-       Success Metrics                      Takeaway Tip
nious idea: a T-shirt, styled to
look like the band AC/DC’s logo,    • This promotion received media        If you portray what you do as dry and bor-
but instead reading ER/DR.             attention from the producers of     ing, you won’t draw in clients or new hires.
                                       the television program ER and       Create a humorous or witty T-shirt to inter-
Why It Works                           requests from hospitals and doc-    ject some fun and lighten up how you por-
                                       tors to buy the shirts by the doz-  tray your business. T-shirts are a form of
The medical industry isn’t one         ens since they came out.            self-expression, and when people wear yours,
known for humor. With lawsuits                                             they will feel infused with the light feeling
and malpractice cases abound-       • The ACEP has used the T-shirts       you are trying to convey.
ing, it can be difficult to find the     every spring since launch as a
fun in being a doctor. This shirt      promotional item to attract new
elevates the ER physician into a       residents to the ER field.
rock star, and who doesn’t want

The shirt was actually initially
rejected by the client’s board of
directors, but a rebellious mar-
keting manager had 2,000 of
them printed on the sly to take

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