Page 179 - Visual Marketing
P. 179

Why It Works                         low expense by developing a set    • The owner of To the Point has
                                     of oversized rubber stamps,” says     become a well-respected busi-
Some business owners don’t           Becky Nelson of Bex Brands.           nessperson in her field and
think of design as being flex-                                              is involved with the Gaslamp
ible or even affordable. Yet Bex     Bex Brands provided a sort of         Quarter Business Association.
Brands worked with To The Point      map for the design so To the
to create a versatile business       Point would know where to          • To the Point consistently appears
card and brochure.                   place the stamps, which allowed       on many “Best of . . .” lists in
                                     the company to print and put          San Diego for acupuncture.
“We were able to create fun,         together brochures as needed at
professional and eye-catching        a low cost.                         Takeaway Tip
brochures by investing a small
amount of money on good             Success Metrics                      Good design doesn’t have to be expensive, and
paper, then creating a template                                          a hybrid of quality work and do-it-yourself does
that my client could edit as her  • Within its first year of business,    exist. By creating professionally designed com-
company grew, and simply have        To the Point added staff to         ponents that can be updated and swapped out
it copied at a local copy shop.      accommodate its burgeoning          by the client as needs change, a marketing bro-
We were able to add color at a       business.                           chure can stay relevant. And your investment in
                                                                         design can reap returns for years.

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