Page 183 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works                                            people helped             than 100 listings of Gourmet
                                                        me put this book          Bachelor media postings.
Carns is the modern entrepre-                           together,” says        • Carns cooked a three-course
neurial Renaissance man—part                            Carns.                    gourmet dinner live on the
publisher, writer, art director,                                                  Miami edition of the Today
marketer, and spokesperson. He                          Carns spent three         show, and it was broadcast
spent the good part of a year                           years creating,           throughout Florida, Central
travelling the country promot-                          publishing, and           America, and South America.
ing his book. Carns believes                            launching his          • Marie Claire published Carns’s
his book could not have been          book. He initially sold it exclu-           Thanksgiving dinner menu for
produced in any other era.            sively on his own website and               bachelorettes.
The convergence of low-cost           then worked out distribution
digital publishing and social         deals with Amazon and Barnes                 Takeaway Tip
media, combined with a tough          & Noble. Will he devote himself
economy, allowed him to col-          to being the “bachelor gour-                    When publishing a book, e-book, or any pub-
laborate with top-notch creatives     met” chef for the rest of his                   lication, choose images for the cover and
to produce a high-concept,            life? That’s his short-term goal.               inside the book that evoke an experience of
professional book. “At least 30       For the long term, he strives to                the senses, and by their nature convey to
                                      become the preeminent food                      readers, in a variety of subtle ways, what the
                                      and wine communications guru.                   book is about. Taking the time to find that
                                                                                      one great image will pay off.
                                     Success Metrics
                                                                           PO WER TO THE PR I N T I TE M ! 162
                                   • National media exposure has
                                      been phenomenal. A Google
                                      search will generate more
   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188