Page 180 - Visual Marketing
P. 180

74. An Image Consultant Makes a Great First Impression:
    Differentiating a Personal Brand by Conveying Your

159 V I S UA L M A RK ETIN G  Gretchen Ditto helps clients craft the perfect first
                                     impression. By selecting the right clothes and dis-
                                     covering what colors complement a client’s natu-
                              ral coloring, she establishes a distinctive style for each
                              client. Ditto knows that the right professional image
                              can bring out a positive attitude and become a power-
                              ful tool in advancing a career. Ditto did a lot of online
                              research before she launched her business. As an
                              image consultant, she’s very aware of how her brand
                              should look. Ditto stresses that she must have a great
                              brand because her business is all about image. But
                              how does an image consultant create the right image
                              for herself? She turned to professional designer Katrina
                              Hase at the Mix Creative in Minneapolis to build a per-
                              sonal, professional brand.
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