Page 209 - Visual Marketing
P. 209

Why It Works                           Success Metrics

Invitations are typically square,    • A total of 400 mask invitations
and not that original. Once             were sent out to the Benedicts of
you attend the event, you likely        Atlanta Social Club’s members
throw the invitation away, never        and guests for the New Year’s
to think about it or its sender         Eve event.
again. But with the Masquerade
Mask Invitation, it’s a work of      • Due to the popularity of the
art in and of itself. The design        invitation, Jill Lynn Design gets
serves as a souvenir of a special       requests several times a month
evening, and attendees of the           for the mask design.
New Year’s Eve Masquerade
kept their invitations as a               Takeaway Tip
memento of a thrilling event.
                                            When your budget allows, go custom for
Because these aren’t one-size-              design. Although an out-of-the-box invitation
fits-all invitations, their complex-         card will do the job for business entertain-
ity adds to their appeal. The               ment, a custom-designed card reflecting the
layers of heavy paper and ribbon            mood of your event will show your guests
make it eye appealing from the              that you care about them enough to invest
moment one opens the enve-                  in a work of art. They’ll remember you for it,
lope. The mask shape of the                 which is especially important for businesses
invitation fits in perfectly with            holding events as business entertainment.
the theme of the masquerade.
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