Page 227 - Visual Marketing
P. 227

Why It Works                           Where most IT campaigns            Takeaway Tip
                                       involve heavy copy with techni-
The look across all marketing          cal lingo, Iddea Group’s col-      Embrace the stereotypes that surround
channels is consistently upbeat,       lateral had minimal copy as        your industry; then break through them to
with bright oranges and greens,        well as a teaser URL encourag-     show customers who you really are. Poke
accented by Iddea Group’s logo,        ing people to visit it for more    fun at yourself and industry stereotypes in
a talk bubble. The branding does       information.                       a tongue-in-cheek way in your marketing
an excellent job of helping every-                                        materials, and in the process your company
day business owners understand        Success Metrics                     will be more authentic and approachable.
what services it provides without
talking over their heads, a com-    • The campaign was extremely
mon issue with IT companies.           successful, with a 33 percent
                                       response rate.
The biggest challenge for
business owners looking for IT      • More than 70 percent of respon-
services is speaking a common          dents were tracked and found
language. IT experts sometimes         to browse Iddea Group’s entire
talk in terms of servers, the          website instead of clicking away.
cloud, and disaster recovery,
while business owners want a
computer system that works
and can’t be hacked. Not com-
municating in the customers’
language can easily lose an IT
company a sale. Iddea Group
keeps it simple and relatable.

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