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in recent years for village        he could find out who came up
                                          trustee.                           with such a great promotional
                                       • The Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel      concept.
                                          reported, “Christine Symchych’s
  Why It Works                            campaign literature asked the
                                          question, ‘What’s a Symchych?’
   Instead of a traditional “vote for     The answer is: The highest vote-
   me” campaign, Saal decided             getter in an election Tuesday for
   to tackle the difficult name            Fox Point village trustee.”
   in a bold and humorous way.         • The campaign resonated with
   Symchych (pronounced “Sym-             voters; one constituent showed
   Chich”) got voter’s attention          up at a public session just so
   with her bold campaigning
   materials; then, once she piqued    Takeaway Tip
   their interest, she introduced
   herself and her platform with       Names can be hard to remember because
   serious clarifications, “Not         they are unusual or difficult to pronounce,
   a what, but a who; not an           or because they are too common to leave an
   unknown but in the know.”           impression. Many small businesses use the
                                       owner’s name, and if yours is problematic
  Success Metrics                      for any reason, address it head on in your
                                       marketing materials. Treat it with humor
• Symchych won the election            and visual wit to make it a positive element
   by one of the largest margins       of your marketing—give people a reason to
                                       remember it.

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