Page 223 - Visual Marketing
P. 223

It converts into a miniature work    Success Metrics
of art that stands up as if on an
easel. It’s exactly what studios,  • Paulsen’s business card serves
curators, entertainment produc-       as a way to not only share his
tion companies, artists, and          contact info but also market his
illustrators need to shine the        services. He’s been awarded
spotlight on their design skills.     new business simply by handing
                                      the card out.
Why It Works
                                   • It’s been so successful, he’s
Paulsen has converted a dispos-       considering launching a design-
able means of sharing contact         your-own-card solution online.
information into a portable
means of expressing creativ-            Takeaway Tip
ity. Now instead of tossing the
cards you get at a conference             Your business card is still
(once you record the contact              one of the most important
information digitally), you can           communication tools for a
prop up the business card easel           small-business owner. Make
and enjoy it on your desk. It’s           it as memorable as a keep-
a natural conversation starter.           sake and you can showcase
“It is important to maximize the          the unique aspects of your
format and deliver innovative             business. Consider adding
solutions within set boundaries,”         QR Codes with links to your
says Paulsen of his design work.          website or Facebook page to
                                          make your communications
                                          even more interactive.                                          202

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