Page 219 - Visual Marketing
P. 219
Why It Works • A calendar of events included
in the season brochure allowed
The visual solution includes patrons to see the wide range of
individual posters for each productions throughout the sea-
production that feature pho- son and encouraged crossover
tographs of the actors with attendance.
iconic imagery from each show.
The design includes a distinc- Takeaway Tip
tive collage style of motifs and
patterns that creates an overall Remember that “the whole is greater than
visual unity for the series. The the sum of its parts.” You can create an
use of photos of the local actors overarching design theme and style for mar-
in the poster reinforces a bond keting your products and services even when
between the Synchronicity play- there’s a wide range of difference in the
ers and their audience. content of individual offerings.
• Total ticket sales increased 25
percent for the 10th anniversary
• A family series production of
Junie B. Jones resulted in a 675
percent increase in revenue over
any past family series show.