Page 217 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works Scott Mitchell of Adventure Success Metrics
Advertising. “First, the campaign’s
Eye doctors don’t do much photography and design had • This ad campaign series was
clever advertising, which is why stopping power. The ads looked awarded Best of Show at
Northern Eye Center ads stand like nothing else in the publica- the regional ADDY Award
out. Rather than the traditional tions. Second, it caused the competition.
“buy a pair, get one free” ad, this reader to assess the difficulties
is an ad within an ad. The series they have with their eyes—adjust- • Northern Eye Center successfully
of ads are from the perspective of ing materials closer or further got the attention of the younger
someone looking at the ad in a away simply to be able to focus. demographic, and it has added
magazine. One’s wearing glasses, And finally, short copy called the a significant number of new
one’s holding the magazine at a reader to do something about patients thanks to the ads.
distance, and one is holding the their vision and stop working
magazine up close—all scenarios around the issue,” says Mitchell. Takeaway Tip
that people with bad vision can
relate to. It’s tongue in cheek, The ads tie in with the center’s Have fun with your advertising. Don’t do
and very visually appealing. website, which presents the three the tried and true. Instead, create advertis-
practitioners of Northern Eye ing with clever images and witty copy that
The ad, which ran in several Center, only blurred. Hover the demonstrates the problem you can solve and
regional and local publications, cursor over each to sharpen the invites viewers to take action to get it solved.
had tremendous success thanks image and get more information.
to its relatability, according to