Page 215 - Visual Marketing
P. 215

Why It Works                         no less important to them.       • The smaller Quantum Essentials
                                     Customers—in this case, con-        brochure offered a stripped-
Going against the grain of           tractors and distributors—want      down, entry-level line that more
the industry, Quantum’s              to look at something attractive     than tripled the sell-through rate
design uses vector art in bold,      when selecting their millwork,      at distribution.
sophisticated palettes and           and good-looking design ele-
uses undulating lines, creat-        ments help sell the product.          Takeaway Tip
ing visual depth. The design         The brochures were immedi-
reflects the quality PVC trim         ately a hit with Quantum’s              If your industry is “industrial” and isn’t
line that Quantum wants to be        field sales team, and contrac-           big on pleasing design, that’s all the more
known for, including the wide        tors found consumer sales               reason for your company to have an eye-
range of colors they offer. In       easier when armed with the              catching logo and color-infused print collat-
fact, the connection between         collateral.                             eral. They become a competitive advantage.
Quantum’s colorful line and                                                  Don’t stick with the status quo if you want to
the colors used in the market-      Success Metrics                          gain market share.
ing design are a clever play-
on-color that isn’t lost on the   • Quantum was into its third
customer. BANG! Creative             printing of the gold contractor
designed separate brochures          piece within just a few months
for each target market, with         of completion of the design
one for contractors, one for         project.
manufacturers, and one with a
budget line of Quantum’s prod-
ucts. Industrial businesses tend
to shy away from appealing
logos and design, but they’re

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