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64. Making Friends Globally: Using Free Samples to Promote a Book and a Socially Responsible Business
                     Pouch Design: Global Girlfriend; book cover: St. Martin’s Press; photography: Anita Campbell.

               65. Much Ado about Nothing: A Campaign with Clever Props and Giveaways Transforms a Hard-to-
                     Appreciate Concept into Something Real and Tangible
                     Design: NAIL Communications; photography: Myles Dumas.

               Chapter 3

               66. Who Is Keith Beith? Capitalizing on a Unique Name and Interjecting Friendliness to Differentiate
                     a Business
                     Design: Billy Joe Pyle, creative director and cofounder; Eric Schoenfeld, CEO and cofounder; and
                     Al Navarro, chief creative officer and cofounder, Mint Advertising; Photography: Mint Advertising.

               67. Face-to-Face Illustrations: Establishing an Identity That Allows Your Team Members to Express
                     Illustrations: David Brinley, Andy Ward, Anthony Freda, J. D. King, Bernard Maisner, Noah
                     Woods, Brian Ajhar, Dan Page, Jon Reinfurt, James Kaczman, Michael Witte, and Nigel
                     Buchanan, artists, Gerald & Cullen Rapp.

               68. Business Cards Get Social: Creating Business Cards That Mimic Social Media Icons Opens New
                     Photography: Jakprints.

               69. Changing Perceptions One School at a Time: Using a Marketing Pamphlet to Update an
                     Organization’s Image
                     Design: Mary Kysar; copy: Kristan Kennedy; illustration: Rob Halverson.

               70. Meeting Artists in Their Natural Habitat: Creating a Series of Posters Conveys the Range and
                     Variety of a Large Event
                     Design/art direction: Joanne Kaliontzis; copy: Joanne Kaliontzis and Rocco Guiliano; project man-
                     agement: Gabrielle Schaffner; photography: Joanne Kaliontzis and Martin Berinstein; illustrations:
                     Laura Davidson and Jacob Higginbottom; artwork: Tim Murdock, Julia Groos, and Jim Shea.

               71. The Omaha Cow and Snowboarding: Using an Iconic Symbol Updated with Current Culture to
                     Create an Au Courant Logo
                     Design: Drew Davies, Joe Sparano, and Adam Torpin; designers, Oxide Design.

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