Page 253 - Visual Marketing
P. 253

Outdoorsy-type clothing, 181–182      Personality
Overarching design themes, 197–198       caricature of, 174
Oxide Design, 153–154                    conveying, 159–160
                                         reveling, 38
P                                        showing off, 54

Packaging                             Peter Popple’s Popcorn, 111–112
   artistic appeal of, 96             Phillips Design Group, 97–98
   biodegradable, 82                  Photographs
   Bogotá Beer Company, 83–84
   design, 91–92                         calendar, 115–116
   effective, key to, 108                as focal point, 44
   emergency jump-start, 107–108         food, 192
   Help Remedies, 81–82                  importance of, 14
   Honeydrop, 99–100                     landscapes, 182
   JAQK Cellars, 95–96                   logo from, 182
   lani—dig your dog, 91–92              premium product perception and, 24
   Peter Popple’s Popcorn, 111–112       selection of, 13–14
   point of purchase appeal, 119–120     showing details in, 8
   RI Community Food Bank, 137–138    “Pillow talk” promotion, 77
   simple designs, 100                Pirman, John, 167–168
   StartMeUp, 107–108                 Pitch books, 199–200
   Street Sweets, 123–124             Pizzo, Robert, 71–72
   uncluttered, 111–112               Plot Machine, 22
   wine, 95–96                        Poglianich, Antonio, 91
                                      Point of purchase, 120
Palo Alto Software, 75–76             Political campaign, 203–204
Pamphlets. See Brochures              Postcards
Parents, 65–66                           Skuba Design 179–180
Paulsen, Egil, 201–202                   Myers Constructs 209–210
Pearlfisher, 100                       Posters
Penn’s View Hotel, 191–192               Big Omaha, 153–154
Pentagram, 16                            Catlin Gabel, 149–150
Perceptions, shifting, 149–150           Do the Deed, 165–166
Perna, Martín, 185                       Fort Point, 151–152
Personal videos, 53–54                   Malverde DJ, 185–186
                                         SaskTel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival, 175–176

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