Page 257 - Visual Marketing
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Velvet Underground artwork, 88         Ditto & Co., 159–160
Vertical Response, 67–68               Edgedweller, 59–60
Videos                                 I-SITE, 37–38
                                       Mannequin Madness, 27–28
   DAAKE, 121–122                      MasterpieceYourself, 11–12, 35–36                 Renaissance Capital, 39–40
   Norway Savings, 5–6                 Room of Illusions, 31–32
Villalobos, Michelle, 13–14            Sarah Petty’s The Joy of Marketing, 47–48
Vinyl records, 85–86                   Script Frenzy, 21–22
Viral effect, 12                       Seattle Kids dentistry, 65–66
Virtual community, 22        , 51–52
Visual clues, 6                        Topic 100, 57–58
Visual Dialogue                        Two Leaves and a Bud Tea Company, 1, 23–24
   Process account, 169–170            Web vs. Webb, 25–26
   Schwilliamz account, 44          Wechsler Ross & Partners, 55
   StartMeUp account, 107           Werhan, Lauren, 166
   Topic 101, 58                    Wichita Eagle, 165–166
Vouchers, 207–208                   Wichita State University, 165
                                    Wilde, Oscar, 11
W                                   Wine packaging, 95–96
                                    Word clouds, 69–70
Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog, 56  Wordless banners, 129–130
Warhol, Andy, 87
Web Design Award, 12                Y
Web vs. Webb, 25–26
Webb, Jack, 25                      Yearlong marketing, 115–116
Websites                            You: The (Online) Brand, 13
                                    Young British Artists, 104
   166 Perry Street, 15–16          Young Writers program, 22
   Architectural Novus, 29–30       YouTube, 18
   Carnegie Fabrics, 7–8            YYES, 164
   Clean Start, 73–74
   Deborah Becker, 53–54                                                              I N D E X 236
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