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Script Frenzy is their initiative        be absurd and zany. To win at            • A total of 373,906 words were
dedicated to scriptwriting. “The         Script Frenzy, writers sign up              logged in the most recent Script
idea is that if you love movies,         online and complete the goal of             Frenzy competition.
then write one,” says Baty.              writing 100 pages in the month
                                         of April. Winners gain a Script               Takeaway Tip
Why It Works                             Frenzy certificate, Web icon, and
                                         eternal bragging rights.                        Create a virtual community to whip up
Many budding writers love the                                                            enthusiasm for an initiative. Encourage par-
idea of writing for the movies or        The Script Frenzy logo, created                 ticipation by making people feel like they
television but get bogged down           by Todd Blank, is the visual cen-               are part of an important and exciting event,
because they are not familiar with       terpiece for the organization. It               through cohesive visual elements around one
what a script should look like.          captures old-time movie house                   central theme. Don’t just slap up a website
Script Frenzy provides the format        grandeur—you can almost smell                   with some information about the initiative.
for scriptwriting and gets writers       the popcorn—while using a brash                 Instead, immerse people in the event every
thinking in traditional scriptwrit-      and kinetic typeface that evokes                time they set foot on the website. Every
ing terms. The online forums             the thrill of going out to the theater.         image and every page should make them
and e-mail communication from                                                            feel like they are part of the initiative. Use
volunteer coordinators spur on          Success Metrics                                  interactive features to captivate attention
the participants. “We think of it as                                                     and draw people back again and again to
a grassroots nudge,” says Baty.       • Participation in Script Frenzy has               participate. This can work for a business
                                         tripled since its inception five                 initiative in your company, as well as a non-
The Script Frenzy site has a Plot        years ago, with more than 21,000                profit initiative.
Machine that combats writer’s            writers participating in 2010.
block. With each click the game
reveals a random combina-             • A Young Writers program grew
tion of plot, characters, and            from 50 participants to 2,850 in
scenarios that are intended to           three years.

                                      MUCH MO RE THAN JUST A W E BS I TE 22
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