Page 41 - Visual Marketing
P. 41

Fishburne and d’Alencon e-mail           contests” to solicit entries from      blog readership with RSS feeds;
riffs back and forth as they             clients and prospects. The win-        and through e-mail blasts.
develop each cartoon. They con-          ner receives a framed cartoon       • Requests come in daily for repro-
sider themselves comedy partners.        with his or her winning quip. In       duction rights on blogs, websites,
                                         its own way it serves as a mar-        and books and for use in pro-
Why It Works                             keting boon for CaseCentral.           fessional PowerPoint presenta-
                                         And how many companies can             tions. In response to demand,
The insider jokes cultivate a social     see their advertising tool framed      CaseCentral opened an online
circle of those in-the-know. Jokes       on the wall of their prospects?        store on Café Press, where fans
and references are not universal                                                may purchase custom prints and
but, in fact, are very specific to       Success Metrics                         order cartoons on coffee mugs,
the industry, with topical themes                                               T-shirts, and other merchandise.
that relate to current events. By     • The cartoon was launched at a
providing a platform for the indus-      legal conference in Seattle with       Takeaway Tip
try humor, CaseCentral becomes           a couple hundred attendees.
the source for topical humor and         According to d’Alencon, it now          Don’t be afraid to use humor and cartoons
positions itself as the knowledge        has a weekly audience of more           to build a distinctive brand. For business-to-
center and go-to firm for indus-          than 40,000 viewers.                    business firms, especially those where it may
try perspective. They are vigilant                                               seem hard to differentiate and stand out from
about protecting the integrity        • “Case in Point” is distrib-              competitors with larger marketing budgets, it
of the cartoons. “We never               uted through a multichannel             can be just the point of difference you need.
use the cartoons to promote              approach, including posts on
CaseCentral,” adds d’Alencon,            Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr; via
“or to bash the competition.”

The response has been so posi-
tive that they now hold “caption

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