Page 117 - Social Media Marketing
P. 117

100 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

ultimately reach that point, you will have already positioned your-
self as the salesperson of choice.

            It Takes Five to Seven Contacts to Make a Sale

Now, more than ever, consumers are awash in advertising and mar-
keting messages from a host of media sources, including the In-
ternet, television, radio, direct mailings, newspapers, magazines,
and even billboards. All of these messages are vying for consumer
attention, and eventually one of them will rise above the rest. You
want that message to be yours.

   Most sales experts agree that you need at least five to seven con-
tacts with a prospective client to close a sale. During these contacts,
you have the opportunity to prove yourself reliable and trustworthy
and convince the prospect that you can deliver superior products
and services. Unfortunately, many salespeople think a single con-
tact is sufficient. They e-mail or call the prospective client once, and
then, in an attempt not to appear pushy, wait for the prospect to
make the next move. This is the equivalent of letting the proverbial
fish off the hook. Don't stop until you have landed the fish.

   You greatly improve your chances of making the sale by staying
in regular contact with the prospective client until that person is
ready to make a purchase decision. When that time comes, you will
have already sown the seeds of the sale and can begin to reap what
you have sown.

           Implement a Foolproof Lead Follow-Up System

Imagine back to when you were dating one of your sweethearts. If
you were really trying to make a good impression, you planned the
date well in advance. Perhaps you ordered flowers or a gift, made
dinner reservations, purchased tickets for a performance, had your
car washed, and even rehearsed the sweet nothings you planned
to whisper during the most intimate moments. In other words,
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