Page 86 - Social Media Marketing
P. 86
66 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman
Everyone Needs at Least One Assistant
If I look back and ask, What is the main thing that has kept me
alive, granted me time with my family and to travel, and still let
me build a successful business?, I'd have to say it's surrounding
myself with a team. A time comes in every salesperson's career
when he or she says, "I'm so frustrated that I don't have time
for my family, my hobbies, my church, or even time to think!"
That's when you need to hire your first-or your next-assistant.
That's when you need to duplicate yourself by hiring assistants
who can take over the tasks that you, the salesperson, don't need to
focus on.
The term assistant doesn't imply a menial job, either. Everyone has
helpers. The chief executive officer of General Motors is, in effect, an
assistant to the board of directors. The vice president of the United
States is an assistant to the president; so are all the members of
the cabinet. No matter what industry you're in, you can have other
people do some things to ease your burden.
Even though I tell every salesperson I work with to hire an as-
sistant, many of them do not follow my advice. They look at it as
money coming out of their pockets. That's very short sighted. Some
of my top assistants have been with me for a decade or more. I
couldn't operate my business without them. I wouldn't be able to
write this book without good people working with me to handle
things while I take time to do this.
Do you remember the last time you visited your dentist? You were
probably greeted by a receptionist who pulled your file. A dental
hygienist cleaned your teeth, took X-rays, and asked you whether
any teeth were bothering you. Only when all that was done did
you get to see the dentist. Was that because your dentist is lazy? Of
course not. It's because your dentist has learned to focus on those
jobs that he or she is best qualified to do.
Sadly, too few salespeople have learned this all-important