Page 84 - Social Media Marketing
P. 84

64 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

you demonstrate that you are sincerely interested in learning more
about that person. Never assume anything. Greet your customer
verbally, let your customer make the first move, ask questions, and
then follow the customer's lead.

                YOUR CIIA.P'nnt 5 CHEcKLIST

 o Be sensitive to how different generations tend to think and

     make purchase decisions.

 o When selling to someone who is physically challenged,

     accommodate the person's special needs, but treat him the
     same way you treat anyone else.

 o Don't let any racial or cultural prejudices get in the way of

     making a sale; better yet, shed yourself of your prejudices.

 o Never assume when selling to a couple that the man is the

     decision maker.

 o When you are unsure how to greet a customer, hesitate, let

     your customer make the first move, and then follow that
     person's lead.

 o When you don't have a clue about another person's cultural

     background, demonstrate a genuine curiosity, and ask
     questions to find out what you need to know.
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