Page 176 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 176

I	 started	 to	 silently	 counting	 to	 myself,	 “5-	 4-	 3-...”	 and	 as	 I	 counted,	 I	 could
feel	 the	 fear	 lowering	 inside	 by	 body.	 Counting	 yanked	 me	 out	 of 	 my	 head	 and
planted	me	in	the	present	moment.	It	switched	gears	from	worry	to	focus.	I	was	not
going	to	let	my	brain	rob	me	of 	this	experience	with	my	daughter.	I	was	not	going
to	allow	the	habit	of 	worrying	to	derail	me	from	being	in	the	present	and	taking	a
mental	photograph.

    Then	I	asked	myself 	two	simple	questions:	“What	am	I	grateful	for	in	this	moment?
What	 do	I	want	to	remember?”	 When	 you	 ask	 that	 simple	 question,	 you	 impact	 your
brain	at	a	biological	level.	In	order	to	respond	you	have	to	take	stock	of 	your	life,
relationships,	and	work	and	search	for	an	answer	in	the	moment.

    It	forces	you	to	focus	on	the	positive	aspects	of 	your	life.	As	soon	as	you	think
about	what	you	are	grateful	for,	you’ll	start	feeling	grateful	instead	of 	worried.	The
answer	 to	 the	 question	 was	 clear	 to	 me.	 I	 was	 grateful	 to	 have	 such	 an	 incredible
young	woman	as	my	daughter.	And	after	three	hours	of 	drama,	I	was	also	grateful
she	found	a	dress.

    Katie	is	also	using	the	Rule	to	reflect	on	what	she	is	grateful	for	and	to	control
her	worries:
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