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Shooting Webcam

     There are three ways to record a video for YouTube. If you
     have a big budget, you can go with a professional record-
     ing, complete with lights, sound, professional-grade video
     cameras, and the like. If that’s outside your budget, and it
     probably is, you can record with a consumer-grade cam-
     corder. And if even that sounds pricey to you, you can
     record your videos with a standard computer webcam.
     In fact, recording YouTube videos with a webcam has
     some benefits, chief among them the immediacy and flex-
     ibility that come from the format. And it’s a very low cost
     solution: You can purchase a webcam for as little as $30.
     Should you record your business videos with a webcam?
     And if so, how do you do it? That’s what we cover in this
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