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Chapter 8 Shooting Webcam Videos  83

Capturing Customer Testimonials

   Finally, if you’re utilizing customer testimonials as part of your online marketing
   mix, there’s no better way to capture those testimonials than via webcam—that is,
   by encouraging your customers to send in their own webcam videos.

   First, you get the immediacy effect; your customers will appear more “real” on web-
   cam than they might in a studio. Second, it’s an inexpensive approach; customers
   create their own videos, with their own computers and webcams. Instead of laying
   out tens of thousands of dollars in travel expenses and professional video produc-
   tion, you’re out about a hundred bucks for a webcam. What’s not to like?

Tips for Shooting an Effective Webcam Video

   If you decide to use webcam video as part of your YouTube video mix, how do you
   best take advantage of the medium? In other words, how do you make the best
   looking and most effective webcam video possible?

Make It Immediate

   Webcam video works best when it conveys immediacy. That means you don’t want
   it to look too professional. It’s okay to make a few verbal mistakes and leave them in
   the video. Make it look as if you’re speaking off the cuff, even if you are working
   from a script. You want your video to have the feel of a deskside chat, just you talk-
   ing directly to the audience. Nothing fancy, nothing too polished. Just you and the
   webcam, one-to-one.

Keep It Simple

   Webcam video is typically of lower quality than other types of video you might
   shoot. You need to keep the picture simple; fiddly details are lost in the lower-reso-
   lution picture.

   What works best? Just you, close to the webcam, and talking directly to the camera.
   Don’t try to fit two people into the frame; doing that on a webcam just looks silly.
   And don’t even think about moving around: Sit still, directly in front of the camera,
   and keep your movements to a minimum. Action captured via webcam often looks

   Simplicity counts in terms of visual composition. Sit in front of a plain background
   of either white or light gray; a busy background is distracting on YouTube. You
   should also avoid overly bright background colors, which can also be distracting.
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