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82 P a r t I I Producing Your YouTube Videos

Creating a Video Blog

   The most common use of webcam video is in the creation of a video blog or vlog.
   Think of a video blog as a video version of a traditional text blog—an opportunity
   for you or someone from your company to offer regular personal insights into busi-
   ness trends and events.

   With a video blog, the low-quality immediacy of a webcam works to your advan-
   tage. If you shoot a vlog in a professional recording studio, the result might be too
   slick for the viewer to take seriously. You almost need the nonprofessional nature of
   a webcam to give your vlog legitimacy.

   In addition, if you’re vlogging on a frequent basis, it’s a lot easier to plug in a web-
   cam than it is to set up a camcorder, lights, and an external microphone. When you
   have something to say, just plug in, turn on, and start talking. The ease-of-use alone
   should encourage more frequent vlogging—which is a good thing.

Reporting from the Road or Special Events

   A webcam is essential when you’re traveling and still need to contribute to your
   company’s vlog or YouTube videos. It doesn’t matter where you are. It’s a simple
   setup, no need to carry any additional equipment (such as a camcorder); all you
   need is a webcam and a notebook computer, which you probably take with you
   anyway, and you’re good to go.

   This makes sense, of course, if you’re a traveling salesperson or an executive with a
   busy travel schedule. It’s also great when you’re attending special events: trade
   shows, conferences, seminars, and the like. With your webcam and notebook PC in
   tow, you can contribute up-to-the-minute reporting from just about anywhere,
   including the convention floor or conference room. Your equipment does not limit
   you at all.

Responding to Immediate Issues

   In the unfortunate event of a serious event hitting your company, you can immedi-
   ately address the issue with the use of a quick-and-dirty webcam video. When dis-
   aster strikes, you want to get in front of the issue and minimize the bad PR. What
   better way than a personal response from the company president, recorded live to

   This is another instance where a professionally produced video would be counter-
   productive. It would appear too impersonal and take too long to create. You can
   create a webcam video a lot faster, and the results speak more directly to interested
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