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106  P a r t I I Producing Your YouTube Videos

Tips for Shooting an Effective Semi-Pro Video

   Do you want to shoot a better semi-pro video, one that truly looks professional?
   Then pay attention to the following tips—they’ll help you avoid producing ama-
   teurish videos with your new equipment.

Shoot Digitally

   This one should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. I don’t care if you are on a
   tight budget, and your uncle or the guy down the hall or whoever has an old cam-
   corder he’s willing to let you borrow at no cost. You don’t want to shoot on analog
   tape; the best results come from keeping an all-digital chain. That means using a
   newer digital video camcorder, period. It doesn’t matter whether you shoot to hard
   disk or flash storage, what does matter is that the video is digital.

Keep the Proper Resolution in Mind

   If your camcorder is capable of shooting high definition widescreen video, do so. In
   fact, shoot at the highest resolution your camcorder offers. If you have a choice
   between 720p or 1080p, go with 1080p. There’s no downside to shooting at the
   highest possible resolution.


     This is different advice than what I gave in the first edition of this book,
     when YouTube only accepted 320 × 240 resolution files. With YouTube
     going full high def, you need to adapt your recording strategy accordingly.

Use a Tripod

   One of the easiest ways to turn a good video into a mediocre one is to shoot it
   without a tripod. I know, handheld cameras are designed to be handheld, but that
   doesn’t mean they should be. When you hold a camera in your hand, it moves; it’s
   impossible for you to hold the camera perfectly still for the three minutes or so of
   the entire video. The result is a jerky, jumpy picture that looks more like a home
   movie than a professional video production. That’s not what you want.

   You obtain better results when you invest in a tripod. Mount the camera on the tri-
   pod and it won’t move around anymore. Your picture stays stable and clear, with a
   much more professional look. A tripod is the first and best investment you can
   make in your video production capabilities!
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