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110  P a r t I I Producing Your YouTube Videos

equidistant vertical lines and two equidistant horizontal lines, as shown in Figure
9.9. This creates nine segments in the frame.

Figure 9.9 Composing your shot via the rule of thirds.
You want to avoid placing the main subject dead center in any of the nine seg-
ments. Instead, you want to position the focal point on or close to one of the four
points where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect—the small circles in Figure
9.9. Alternatively, for a little more flexibility, you can position the focal point on one
of the grid’s horizontal or vertical lines. Which intersection point you choose is
entirely up to you; the key is to achieve an interesting composition in a widescreen
picture, like the one in Figure 9.10.

Figure 9.10 A well-composed widescreen shot.
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