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114  P a r t I I Producing Your YouTube Videos

The Big Picture

   For most small and medium-sized businesses, and even many large ones, shooting
   semi-pro videos is the best way to create content for YouTube. All you need is a low
   cost consumer camcorder and a few accessories, and you can create all different
   types of videos with surprisingly professional results. In fact, most of the videos fea-
   tured in the profile sections of this book came about in this fashion, to remarkable

   What do you need to create a professional-looking video on a limited budget? Not
   much: just a camcorder, a tripod, and perhaps some sort of auxiliary lighting and
   external microphone. Of course, you also need a computer and video-editing soft-
   ware to edit the videos you shoot. But that’s not a large investment, and you can
   achieve impressive results with this approach. It’s certainly preferable to investing in
   expensive professional production—at least in the early stages of your YouTube
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