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C h a p t e r 1 2 Tips for Producing More Effective YouTube Videos          145

Look Professional—Or Not

   If you’re representing a professional business, your videos need to look professional.
   The standard look of personal YouTube videos—an unshaven twenty-something in
   a t-shirt, staring intently at a web camera—just doesn’t give off the professional vibe
   that most businesses want. Whether your video’s cast is one or thousands, make
   sure that anyone on camera is well dressed and well groomed, that everyone is well
   lit and well mic’d, and that the whole production has a professional sheen.

   Unless, that is, you want to give out a hip young vibe. In that instance, take off the
   suits and ties and emulate the personal look that’s become ubiquitous on YouTube.
   In other words, make sure your video has a look and feel that matches your com-
   pany’s message.

Don’t Just Recycle Old Videos—Re-Edit Them, Too

   Many businesses get started on YouTube by uploading existing company videos.
   This isn’t a horrible idea, especially as a first effort. It’s a low-cost, low-effort way to
   get your feet wet in the YouTube pond. However, your results will suffer if you just
   upload old videos without changes. You’ll do better if you bring an older video up-
   to-date in its content and appearance, even if that means re-editing the video or
   shooting new scenes.

Consider Creating a Slideshow

   If you don’t need full-motion video or don’t have access to a video camera, consider
   putting together a slideshow of still photographs. Just compile the photos into a
   slideshow, add background music or a voiceover, and upload the whole thing to
   YouTube. Likewise, some topics benefit from PowerPoint presentations, which you
   can also convert to video for uploading to YouTube.

Hire a Pro

   Don’t have the skills or equipment to create a video in-house? Hire an outside firm
   to produce the video for you. Every town has one or more video production com-
   panies that do this sort of thing. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel; let the pros
   teach you the right way to do things.


If your budget is tight, consider contacting the film or marketing depart-
ment of a local college to recruit lower-cost student talent.
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