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226  Part IV Promotion and Monetization

Figure 20.1 Optimize your thumbnail image to stand out on search results pages.
YouTube lets you choose from three possible images to use as your video’s thumb-
nail image. It grabs the images from different points in your video. To choose a
thumbnail image, go to your My Videos page and click the Edit button for the video
you want to edit; when the next page appears, as shown in Figure 20.2, click the
image you want to use as your thumbnail.

Figure 20.2 Choosing an image to use for your video thumbnail.


    You don’t have to keep the same thumbnail image forever. Many marketers
    switch thumbnail images over the course of a video’s YouTube life, thus
    freshening the video’s appearance on search results pages.
The best thumbnails are clear, not blurry, and have a dominant subject—ideally a
person’s face or a close-up of the product you’re selling. You can also stand out from
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