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C h a p t e r 2 0 Marketing Your YouTube Videos  229

   Figure 20.6 Selecting the video to use as your video comment.

   As I said, this is definitely a guerilla marketing technique. It will get your video
   more exposure, but some YouTubers will be turned off by the blatant self-promo-
   tion. Attempt this one at your own risk.

Use Email Marketing

   Of course, you’re not limited to promoting your videos just to the YouTube commu-
   nity. You can also promote your videos to anyone else on or off the Web.
   One of the best ways to do this is to create an email mailing list on your main web-
   site, typically populated with email addresses provided by your customers. When
   you post a new video to YouTube, send a mailing to the entire list, letting your cus-
   tomers know all about the video and including a link to the video on YouTube. You
   might be surprised at how effective this simple technique can be.


        Your email mailing list needs to be an opt-in list, or you might be accused
        of sending spam to your valued customers.

Reach Out to the Blogosphere

   You can drive a lot of traffic to a YouTube video by getting that video mentioned on
   relevant blogs. It requires a bit of work to identify the blogs that might be interested
   in the content of your video, but then it’s a simple matter of sending out a press
   release (via email) that describes the video and includes a link to the YouTube video
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