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C h a p t e r 2 0 Marketing Your YouTube Videos                                   227

the other listings with a brightly colored or high contrast image in your thumb-
nail—anything to make the thumbnail “pop” on the search results page.

Take Advantage of YouTube’s Community Features

   One of the best places to promote your YouTube video is on YouTube itself. When
   you make the YouTube community aware of what you’re doing, other viewers do
   your promotion for you. Word-of-mouth marketing is alive and well on the
   YouTube site.

Sharing with Subscribers and Friends

   Let’s start with those users who subscribe to your video channel, as well as those
   who added you to their Friends list. How do you let these positively predisposed
   viewers know that you have a new video to watch?

   Dealing with subscribers is easy: YouTube does the work for you. Whenever you
   post a new video to the YouTube site, YouTube automatically sends an email to all
   of your channel’s subscribers informing them of the video. That’s easy.

   More work is necessary to notify your friends of your latest video. Go to the video
   page, select the Share tab (under the video player), and click the Email button. This
   opens a new message window, shown in Figure 20.3. To send a message to all your
   contacts or friends, click the Add All Contacts or Add All Friends link in the scroll-
   ing list. Enter your message (something along the lines of “Check out our latest
   video”) in the Message box and click the Send button.

Figure 20.3 Sending an email to your YouTube friends.
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