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Chapter 21 Optimizing Your Videos for Search  241

Optimizing Your Description

   Finally, we come to the text description of your video. Here is yet another opportu-
   nity to include keywords that viewers might be searching for.

   Adding keywords to your video’s description is much like performing SEO on your
   website’s body copy. You have lots of space to work with, so you’re not as limited as
   you are with the video’s title. Yet you still need to incorporate keywords in an
   organic fashion; they have to feel natural, not artificial.

   Fortunately, it’s easier to work keywords into descriptive copy than it is into short
   titles. The extra length works wonders. Again, make sure that the keywords aren’t
   just inserted randomly, or in a list at the end of the description; that’s keyword
   stuffing, and that’s a no-no. Instead, write your copy to include as many keywords
   as genuinely fit. If your keywords are indeed descriptive of your video’s content, and
   not just chosen to attract a certain audience, then this shouldn’t be a problem.

Optimizing Embeds and Links

   In traditional website SEO, the number of inbound links to page will increase that
   page’s ranking. The same thing goes for YouTube videos. The more web pages that
   link to your video, the more likely it is that your video will appear higher in
   YouTube’s search results. Likewise, you can increase your search ranking by getting
   your video embedded in more external web pages.

   That’s right, links to and embeds of your video will affect its YouTube search rank.
   The challenge is, you have little control over how many sites link to or embed your
   video. That doesn’t mean you have no influence, however.

   First, the more unique and authoritative the content in your video, the more likely it
   will be linked to or embedded. It all comes down to quality content; you need to
   make your video as “linkworthy” as possible.

   In addition, you will want to encourage viewers to link to your video. The more you
   spread word of your video, the more people who will be exposed to it. Have your
   PR department push your video to influential bloggers, encouraging links or
   embeds. Email related websites and encourage them to embed or link to the video.
   Encourage recipients of your email mailing list, readers of your company blog, fans
   of your Facebook page, and followers of your Twitter feed to do the same. Get the
   word out and encourage as many links and embeds as possible.

Optimizing Views

   Here’s another important factor in determining YouTube’s search rank—the number
   of times your video has been viewed. Fair or not, YouTube will rank a popular video
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