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C h a p t e r 1 How YouTube Can Help You Market Your Business  11

Everybody’s Doing It

   It doesn’t matter what type of business you run or how large that business is. You can
   create effective videos that will attract YouTube viewers and drive more business to
   your website or 800-number. All types of businesses are getting into the YouTube
   scene: local businesses, major national marketers, ad agencies, real estate agencies, con-
   sultants and motivational speakers, Internet-only retailers, B2C, B2B—you name it.

   On the big side of things, consider the major brands that are incorporating
   YouTube into their overall marketing mix. YouTube’s big-name adherents look like a
   who’s who of brand marketing today: American Express, Coca Cola, Ford, Home
   Depot, Old Spice, Progressive Insurance, Sears, Starbucks… the list goes on and on.
   (And I haven’t even mentioned all the big media companies, from CBS to Disney,
   that distribute their content on the YouTube site.)

   As far as smaller companies go, there are too many to even start mentioning them
   here. I’ve seen videos from companies that make or sell aquarium accessories, com-
   puter cables, motorcycle parts, you name it. Realtors use YouTube to show video
   walk-throughs of their properties; travel agencies use YouTube to show off their
   prize destinations. Pottery companies use the site to sell their wares; credit card
   companies use the site to show merchants how to use their terminals.

   In short, YouTube is used by companies of all sizes to do many things. If what
   you’re selling is in any way visual, which almost everything is, YouTube is a perfect
   medium for your company’s promotional message.

How Can You Use YouTube to Market Your

   Given the huge number of companies that embrace YouTube videos, it should come
   as no surprise that there are a lot of different ways to use the site. Every company
   has its own unique goals for their YouTube marketing.

   Some companies use YouTube to generate brand awareness. Some use YouTube to
   promote a particular product or drive sales to their retail store or website. Others
   incorporate YouTube as part of their product or customer support mix, use videos
   for product training, or even use YouTube for recruiting and employee communica-
   tions. Anything you can say in person or to a group of people, you can say in a
   video and distribute via YouTube.

YouTube for Brand Awareness

   Large national companies and major advertisers often use YouTube to enhance the
   awareness of their brands. Instead of focusing on individual products or services,
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