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C h a p t e r 2 Developing Your YouTube Marketing Strategy  23

forget them over time. Sometimes stating the obvious is the most important thing
you can do.

All your marketing should revolve around the customer, so it’s imperative that you
know who that customer is and what he wants. Work through the following check-
list to determine just who you should be focusing on:

   • How old is your target customer?

   • Is your customer male or female?

   • Is your customer single or married?

   • What is your customer’s average yearly income?

   • Where does your customer live?

   • Where does your customer shop?

   • What does your customer like to do in his or her spare time?

   • How does your customer describe himself or herself?

   • How does your customer prefer to receive information: via newspaper,
       television, radio, or the Internet?

   • What websites does your customer frequent?

   • How does your customer access the Internet—via a computer or mobile
       device, and over what speed of connection?

   • What products does your customer currently use?

   • Is your target customer a current client or someone who is not yet
       using your product?

   • Does your customer know about your company or product?

   • If so, what does your customer think about your company and prod-
       uct—what image does he have of you?

These are just a few of the things you need to know about your target customer.
The more you know, of course, the better you can serve the customer’s wants and
needs. The less you know, the more you’re guessing in the dark—and guessing in
the dark is a very ineffective and inefficient way to create a marketing plan.

Of course, another set of important questions to ask, in terms of incorporating
YouTube into your marketing mix, concerns YouTube itself. Does your customer
visit the YouTube site? If so, how often? Why does he visit the site? What does he
think of YouTube? What types of videos does he like to watch? How does he feel
about “commercial” videos on YouTube?
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