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28 P a r t I Marketing Your Business Online with YouTube

   For example, it’s important to note that most YouTubers view videos in a small win-
   dow in a web browser on a computer screen. That’s pretty small, especially com-
   pared to what viewers are used to experiencing on a 42" or larger high definition
   TV. All the niggling details you can see on a bigger TV turn miniscule when viewed
   in a web browser. This fact alone might cause you to reshoot a busy television com-
   mercial for the smaller YouTube screen; you need to customize the look and feel of
   your presentation for the YouTube audience.


        Learn more about optimizing your videos for the YouTube audience in
        Chapter 7, “Understanding Audio/Video Technology.”

   And then there’s the envious situation where you do have a Super Bowl–caliber
   commercial. If so, congratulations! By all means, upload that commercial—and all
   variations—to YouTube. You can milk this one for all its worth, by creating a “mak-
   ing of ” video, doing YouTube-only spinoffs, you name it. This is the best of both
   worlds, where you build on your success in traditional media by gaining even
   broader distribution online.
   Figure 2.1 shows one such Super Bowl ad on the YouTube site, Snickers’ “Game”
   commercial, starring Betty White. Snickers (
   has uploaded this particular commercial, of course, as well as similar follow-up ads.
   As of this writing, they’ve received more than 2.2 million views on YouTube—not
   bad for a free upload!

   Figure 2.1 Snickers’ popular Super Bowl commercial, viewable on YouTube.
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