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32 P a r t I Marketing Your Business Online with YouTube

   Figure 2.5 A video preview of the Audio A7.

Real Estate Walk-Throughs

   A specific subset of the product demonstration is the real estate walk-through
   video. Today, most realtors take digital photographs of the houses they list, and
   potential buyers view those photos on the realtor’s website. But there’s nothing stop-
   ping you from using a camcorder to produce a video tour of the house, editing the
   tour into a short video, and posting the video on YouTube. As an example, Figure
   2.6 shows just such a video walk-through of a luxury property offered by Coldwell
   Banker (

   Figure 2.6 A video walk-through from realtor Coldwell Banker.
   You can then direct potential buyers to the walk-through video on the YouTube
   website, or embed the YouTube video on your website so that visitors can view the
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