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30 P a r t I Marketing Your Business Online with YouTube

   Figure 2.2 An online preview of a Barcelona tapas walking tour, from Viator Travel.
   Then there’s futurist Dr. Patrick Dixon (, who’s a
   popular speaker on topics about global change. He’s uploaded videos of several of
   his speeches, like the one in Figure 2.3, and they’re both entertaining and informa-
   tional in regard to the services that he has to offer. Any viewers who like what they
   see can then go to his website to learn more or arrange a speaking engagement.

   Figure 2.3 An informative speech by Dr. Patrick Dixon.
   The key is to create a video that people actually want to watch. That means some-
   thing informative, useful, or entertaining. It can’t be a straight commercial because
   people don’t like to watch commercials. It has to provide value to the viewer.
   After you hook the viewers, you lead them back to your website where your goods
   or services are for sale. It’s a two-step process: Watch the video, and then go to the
   website to learn more or buy something. If your video is interesting enough, view-
   ers will make the trip to your website to close the deal.
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