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C h a p t e r 2 Developing Your YouTube Marketing Strategy  31

Instructional Videos

   Similar to the infomercial is the instructional or how-to video. In this type of video,
   you create something truly useful for your target customer, and then drive business
   by direct link from the instructional video.

   As an example, take Drs. Foster & Smith Pet Supplies (
   drsfostersmith), a retailer of aquarium supplies. They’ve created a series of videos,
   like the one in Figure 2.4, which show users how to set up various types of aquari-
   ums and aquarium equipment. Each video exists unto itself, with the sole goal of
   providing practical information to the viewer; it’s really useful stuff for the hobbyist.

   Figure 2.4 A how-to video from Drs. Foster & Smith Pet Supplies.

   While this type of video is not a hard sell, and shouldn’t be, the company benefits
   when viewers need to buy related equipment.

Product Presentations and Demonstrations

   You can also use YouTube for more obvious selling efforts, the most common of
   which is the product presentation or demonstration. Here is where you use the
   video medium to show customers a particular product, in the kind of detail you
   just can’t do in print or on a web page.

   Many products are good candidates for video demonstrations, from kitchen appli-
   ances and power tools to computers and other electronic gadgets. Automobiles also
   benefit from video presentation because there’s a lot to see there; Figure 2.5 shows
   just such a video presentation from Audi ( In fact,
   any item that’s not quickly or easily understood, or that has a bevy of sophisticated
   features, is a good candidate for a YouTube video demonstration.
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