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26 P a r t I Marketing Your Business Online with YouTube

How Will You Measure the Results of Your YouTube

   Creating a video and posting it on YouTube is just part of the process. How do you
   measure the success of that video?

   The first key to measuring success is to determine what kind of response you
   wanted. Did you design the video to generate direct sales, either via your website or
   800-number? Did you design the video to drive traffic to your website? Did you
   design the video to enhance or reinforce your company or brand image? Or did you
   design the video to reduce customer or technical support costs?

   This is key: To measure the success of your YouTube video, you have to first deter-
   mine what it is you hope to achieve. Then, and only then, can you measure the

       • If your goal is to generate sales, measure sales. Include your website’s
          URL (ideally to a unique landing page) and toll-free number in the
          video, along with a promotion or order code, and then track sales that
          include that code.

       • If your goal is to drive traffic to your website, measure your traffic
          (pageviews and unique visitors) pre- and post-YouTube video. Use site
          analytics to determine where site traffic originates from; specifically
          track the traffic that came directly from the YouTube site.

       • If your goal is to build your brand image, measurement is more diffi-
          cult. You’ll need to conduct some sort of market research after your
          YouTube campaign has had a chance to do its thing, and ask customers
          what they think of your brand—and where they heard about it.

       • If your goal is to reduce customer or technical support costs, measure
          the number of support requests before and after uploading the YouTube
          video(s). The more effective the video, the fewer the subsequent calls
          for support.

   Of course, another way to measure your video’s success is to count the number of
   views it achieves on YouTube. This, however, is a false measurement. Just because
   many people view your video doesn’t mean that it has accomplished the goals you
   set out to achieve. A video with 100,000 views is nice, but it means nothing if you
   wanted to boost your sales and it didn’t do that. Entertaining YouTube viewers is
   one thing, but generating sales (or establishing brand image or whatever) is quite
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