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50 P a r t I Marketing Your Business Online with YouTube

Why Educational Videos Work

   Why do people log onto YouTube? A fair number are bored and want to be enter-
   tained, of course. Others want to get more information about something. But a large
   number of viewers turn to YouTube to learn how to do something—that is, to be
   educated about the topic at hand.

   What does an educational video look like? Put simply, it’s a how-to video—a video
   that shows the viewer “how to” do something. This typically takes the form of step-
   by-step instructions: Step 1, do this, Step 2, do that, Step 3, do something else. It’s a
   very hands-on experience.

   Why does someone watch a how-to video on YouTube? To learn how to do that
   something, of course. Maybe a person is looking to put together some sort of craft
   or project and needs instruction. Maybe a person has an item that needs repair or
   maintenance, and wants to learn how to do that. Maybe a person has just purchased
   a new product and has no idea how to put it together or get it to work. You see how
   it is—educational videos help people do the things they want or need to do.

   So your customers get real value out of learning how to get something done. What
   you get out of it is the authority that comes with presenting that information. When
   a person learns how to do something from watching your video, he now thinks of
   you as the authority on that topic. When it comes to purchasing the tools or sup-
   plies necessary to complete that project (or a related project), he thinks of you and
   buys what you’re selling. Or, if he’s watching your video to learn how to use your
   product, he feels that he made a good purchasing decision; it reinforces the decision
   he made, and helps him get more value or enjoyment out of your product.

What Kinds of How-To Videos Should You Produce?

   Although most how-to videos follow the same basic format (do this first, do this
   second, do this third), there are a few different types of instructional videos you can
   choose to produce. The first type is more product-focused, and the second is more

Product Instruction Videos

   The first type of how-to video shows customers how to install, configure, or use
   your products. This can be a good approach, especially if you have an item that’s
   somehow difficult to use.

   For example, if you sell aquarium supplies, you might produce a video showing
   people how to install one of your products. This is what you see in Figure 4.1,
   where the folks from Fluval ( show how to
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