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72 P a r t I I Producing Your YouTube Videos

   In addition, YouTube translates videos into a special, even lower resolution format
   for playback on smartphones and other mobile devices. The aptly named Mobile
   format has a 176×144 resolution (and an odd 11:9 aspect ratio), perfect for a
   phone’s small screen.

Choosing the Right Resolution

   With all these possible resolutions available to you, which should you use to shoot
   and edit your videos?

   When I wrote the first edition of this book, I recommended shooting at the highest
   available resolution available at the time, which was 480×360, or what YouTube then
   called HQ. I didn’t see much point in going with a higher resolution if YouTube
   wouldn’t display it; in fact, YouTube would downgrade higher-resolution videos to
   its HQ quality.

   It’s a different story today, however. Now, I recommend producing high definition
   videos, in either the 720p or 1080p HD resolutions. An HD picture will look great
   on both computer monitors and big screen TVs; it’s perfect for showing the detail
   in those close-ups you might need in a how-to video.


        Both 720p and 1080p look pretty darn close on a standard computer mon-
        itor. I’d go with whichever resolution your camcorder supports.


        There’s no need to go the full 4K video route because that produces files
        that take way too long to download. The 4K format is more for professional
        filmmakers shooting for the super-large screen.

   Note that whatever resolution you upload, YouTube will process the video so that
   it’s available at a variety of lower resolutions, as well. That’s because most viewers
   still watch YouTube in the default 480×360 or 640×360 (widescreen) window. In
   most instances, viewers have to click a button to display a video at higher resolu-
   tion. (It’s to ensure maximum playback capability.) As I said, YouTube does this
   conversion automatically; you provide a single file at the highest resolution and let
   YouTube do the rest.
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