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68 P a r t I Marketing Your Business Online with YouTube

Starting Fresh

   Finally, you can move beyond your existing campaign and create something totally
   new for YouTube. Play to the differences inherent in the YouTube medium; create a
   video campaign that exploits what’s new and unique about YouTube. Just make sure
   your YouTube-specific activity hews to the same overall message you use in the rest
   of your marketing.

The Big Picture

   For many businesses, YouTube can be an important component of their overall
   marketing mix. YouTube’s role is a more subtle one, different from the hard sell
   approach of advertising or direct marketing. That said, your YouTube videos should
   reflect the same look and feel as the rest of your marketing activities, and forward
   the same overall message and goals. And when it comes to coordinating your online
   and traditional broadcast video marketing, know that repurposing is seldom the
   best approach—although you can use YouTube to extend and expand successful tel-
   evision advertising. In most instances, however, it’s better to create something new
   and unique for YouTube, while working holistically with the other elements of your
   marketing strategy.
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