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66 P a r t I Marketing Your Business Online with YouTube

   blogs and social networks. Your message should be consistent, no matter where cus-
   tomers encounter that message.

   What does that mean, in reality?

   First, it means that the way you define your business has to be consistent. The key-
   words you choose as part of your search engine optimization should also be the
   keywords you purchase for your PPC advertising, should also be key words in the
   copy for your display ads, should also be highlighted in the promotional emails you
   send to customers, should also be talking points when you communicate with influ-
   ential bloggers, should also be present in the electronic press releases you send to
   online news organizations, and should also be incorporated into the scripts of your
   YouTube videos. You can’t describe your business one way in press releases, another
   way in advertisements, and yet another way in videos; you must have a consistent

   That extends to using themes and images from your YouTube videos on your web-
   site—especially in the landing pages you create for your YouTube campaigns. When
   someone clicks to your website after watching a YouTube video, they should land on
   a page that not only repeats the message from the video, but also mirrors the look
   and feel of the video. Again, consistency is the key.

   That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t adapt the message for the medium. You
   need to exploit the unique nature of the YouTube community when producing your
   online videos; you can’t just port a print ad to YouTube and expect it to work. You
   have to give YouTube viewers the experience they expect, not one more suited to
   another marketing vehicle.

   That said, your videos shouldn’t veer off into a totally different direction from the
   other marketing you do. You have to consider all your marketing activities in a
   holistic fashion; someone approaching your product or brand via YouTube should
   receive the same message as someone learning about you via email or blogs or
   social networking or radio or print. You need to send a similar message via all your
   marketing activities, traditional or Internet-based.

   The point is, all of your marketing vehicles need to work together. They have to
   convey a consistent message and image, and should not send conflicting messages
   to your customer base. Your marketing mix should be a consistent whole that is
   greater than the sum of its parts.

Making YouTube Co-Exist with Television Marketing

   If you’re a larger company, chances are you’re already doing some degree of televi-
   sion-based marketing. What’s the best way to make your online and broadcast
   videos work together?
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