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C h a p t e r 6 Incorporating YouTube Videos in Your Overall                            67
                                                                     Web Marketing Mix


Whatever approach you take should be based on your particular circum-
stances; there’s no one right way to proceed. In fact, you might choose dif-
ferent approaches for different campaigns over time.


   When it comes to joint television/online marketing, there are several approaches
   you can take, the easiest of which is simple repurposing. If you have an established
   TV advertising campaign, you repurpose your television ads to YouTube, posting
   your 30-second TV commercials to the YouTube site.

   This is a simple approach, and it might be a good one—if your commercials are
   compelling enough to attract YouTube viewers. But, let’s face it, when given the
   choice of watching a million other entertaining and informative videos, why would
   YouTube viewers choose to spend 30 seconds of their valuable time to watch the
   same commercial they’ve seen a dozen times on TV?

   If the original commercial is compelling enough, this might work. (It certainly
   works for Old Spice, Snickers, Evian, and other big advertisers.) But for most adver-
   tisers repurposing, although inexpensive and easy to execute, won’t be very success-

Extending and Expanding

   A better approach might be to take your existing television commercial and expand
   it for the YouTube audience. Maybe offer an “uncut” or “uncensored” version or
   shoot a new commercial that starts up where the first one left off. If a commercial is
   really successful, you can create a series of videos playing off that first one. Or
   maybe you can use YouTube as a channel for similar executions that you didn’t use
   on television. Something to extend or expand your existing campaign, not just
   replicate it online.

   You can also use your existing campaign as the jumping off point for something
   new and creative. For example, some companies have created an initial video, and
   then encouraged viewers to produce their own variations. You can even do it in the
   form of a contest: Make your own YouTube video promoting our product, and the
   winner gets a valuable prize. Use your imagination and take advantage of the user
   interaction that YouTube encourages.
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