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Lisa Shepherd

search engine. It’s your job to make sure that your website
ranks near the top in searches related to your business.

Having a good SEO program can propel your listing from
page ten to page one. There are many firms that do SEO
exclusively and can help you improve your results. If you’re
lean on budget, the basics of SEO aren’t hard to learn. The
harder part is patience: it can take anywhere from three to six
months to see results from your SEO efforts. And constant
maintenance of your program is essential to success—SEO
is never “done”.

Some tips on D.I.Y SEO:

1.	 Index your site on Google—This sounds simplistic, but it’s
     always wise to double-check that your web vendor has
     indexed your site on Google. If not, a quick visit to http:// should fix that.

2.	 Page Titles—Every page on your website should have a
     unique page title; avoid generic names, such as “About”
     or “Home Page”.  The titles should include the most
     important keyword phrase(s) used on the page and be no
     longer than sixty-five characters.

3.	 Meta Description—A meta description is a few sentences
     of text embedded into the code of each web page that
     search engines display when your site is listed in results.
     Your website’s meta description should be a few short
     sentences that describe your company and what it does.

     (“Meta descriptions” are the main type of meta tags used
     for SEO. They are often confused with “meta keyword”
     tags, which are useless. Years ago, search engines used
     websites’ meta keywords (lists of keywords embedded
     into the website code) to rank results. But because this
     made it easy for unscrupulous people to game the system


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